Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE)

Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a nervous system disorder which is the most common form of epilepsy with focal seizures (initially affects only one brain hemisphere). TLE is characterized by recurrent and unprovoked one to two-minute-seizures which originate in the brain’s temporal lobes, responsible for emotion control and memory (located behind the temples).

There are two kinds of TLE:

1. Focal onset aware seizure occurs when the individual is conscious while going through a seizure. Its symptoms include a feeling of déjà vu, nausea, amnesia, sense of fear, dissociation, synesthesia, and hallucinations.

2. Focal onset impaired awareness seizure happens when the individual losses consciousness; its symptoms include motionless staring, rubbing of hands, smacking of lips, disorientation, unusual speech, and inability to understand language. This condition can start at any age but most cases initially manifest from around ten years old to adolescence. TLE’s causes include brain infections, tumor, injury, or genetic factors.

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