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1. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
The best place to start your quest for information about I/O Psychology is at SIOP. Associated with the American Psychological Association, this is pretty much THE place for I/O Psychology. Although they want people to join their division (they're division 14 of APA), you can get tons of information without becoming a member; just don't expect any great journals or fancy pins! SIOP describes themselves this way: "The Society's goal is to promote human welfare through the various applications of psychology to all types of organizations providing goods and services, such as manufacturing concerns, commercial enterprises, labor unions or trade associations, and public agencies. The purposes of the Society are scientific, professional, and educational and not for financial gain." There is some particularly good information regarding the fundamentals of what I?O psychology is and who I/O psychologists are, which you can get to by clicking here. There's some cool stuff like finding out salary information from SIOP members. After reading this part I started considering a career in I/O. Man, a median salary of $80,000! 
2. Pursuing an I/O Psychology Career, by Dr. Paul Spector
So many students write to the us asking for information about pursuing different degrees that anytime we find another site offering this information, we're pleased. In addition, the information provided on this site is good...very good. Dr. Spector lays it out there in a simple way so that everyone and anyone can understand how to go about making I/O psychology a career. He's also got another page called, "What's an I/O Job Like?" that's equally good. You can go to directly from the pursuing a career page or by clicking here. We also think it's a good idea to stop by Dr. Spector's homepage where you'll find a wealth of additional resources and information. If you're interested in I/O, this is a definite stop. 
3. Society for Human Resource Management
At first, we weren't sure if this one should be on the list, but SHRM is such an integral part of the HR world we figured we couldn't leave it off the list. If you're even remotely considering going into the HR field, visit this site. There is an enormous amount of information, which is one of the things that made us a bit nervous; there's so much information we wondered if it would be overwhelming. But, the site is pretty well organized and presented clearly, so we went ahead with it. A great part of the site is the Job Listings. That's right, you can see listings for actual HR jobs right from the site. You can even search for jobs according to location, title, or date of posting. And, if that's not enough, they have resources to help you prepare for a job search and a career in HR. Go, visit...now! 
4. Center for the Study of Work Teams
While you may not realize it, teams are one of the most popular and rampant buzz words in organizations these days. Everybody thinks they need to have a team, be on a team, go against other teams, that being part of a team is always better than not, and that teams work better than individuals. But do they? Do organizations prosper by moving to a team oriented approach? At the Center for the Study of Work Teams, you'll find some of the best research about teams anywhere online or off-line. In today's work environment, you need to understand what teams are and how they function. You'll know more than everyone else if you spend some time at this site. And don't miss out on the "free articles" by both professionals and students. They're really interesting and informative.
5. Workforce Online
This is an ezine (an online magazine) that is all about human resources and the workforce. We really like the research center where you'll find well organized information about benefits, compensation, management fundamentals, staffing, relocation, and much more. It's a plethora of HR stuff. We also think you should go to the section called, Your HR Career, where you'll find bulletin boards to post questions, career planning information, job searches and more. It's really a nice looking site (well it should be since it's an ezine) as well as a good site to help you learn about HR and a career in the field. 
6. HR Guide.com
Much like AlleyDog.com, HR Guide.com is a service that provides a variety of resources (and lots of them) for students, teachers, and anyone interested in Human Resources. According to the HR Guide.com website, the "site contains links to other internet based resources for HR professionals and students. To access this library, click on the subject titles." In addition, the mission statement indicated that they are determined to "provide links to other websites in the HR field; Provide free web-based computer programs for HR professionals and students; and Provide guides to HR related topics" If you're interested in HR, make sure you stop in and take a look around at this site. 
You can also check out these other resources: