Tourette Syndrome (Tourette's Syndrome)

Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological disorder (of the brain) that results in an individual repeating involuntary movements and vocalizing words. These movements are known as tics, which can be simple or more complex, depending on the severity of the disorder. Simple tics can occur as head or shoulder jerks, blinking of the eyes or facial expressions. Some of the more complex symptoms may include all three of the simple symptoms, but may be more dramatically defined. More severe cases involve coprolalia (vocalizing swear words) and/or echolalia (repeating words or phrases heard from another individual).

Tourette’s Syndrome affects an estimated 1 out of every 100 people of all nationalities, although it's more common in males than females (approximately 3 males to every female). The onset of Tourette's Syndrom is usually recognized during childhood (between the ages of 7 and 10). Unfortunately, Tourette's is a chronic disorder that usually worsens when an individual is nervous or agitated.

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