Physiotherapy (Physical Therapy/PT)

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy (PT), aims to restore normal movement and function through various rehabilitation techniques such as muscle stretching, massage, electrical muscle stimulation, and joint manipulation. This is often in conjunction with medications and other treatments. Physiotherapists work with individuals who have balance difficulties, are amputees, and those who have other orthopedic conditions (scoliosis, sprains etc.). For instance, this rehabilitation method has been proven to lessen lower back pain. It also being used in preventing injury and in palliative care.

The job descriptions or tasks of a physiotherapist include conducting physical examinations, specifying diagnoses and prognoses, educating patients, and facilitating physical interventions. Moreover, (PTs) are involved in research, education, administration, and consultation work. It is believed that some of the first physical therapy practitioners were the early Greek and Roman physicians, Hippocrates and Galen: they prescribed massage, hydrotherapy, and manual therapy in helping their patients.

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