Occam's Razor (Law Of Parsimony)

Occam's razor, also known as the law of parsimony (thriftiness), is a problem-solving principle attributed to philosopher William of Ockam. In science this principle is used a heuristic (or discovery) tool that guides scientists for the development of scientific models. In other applications that use logic the theory of Occam's razor is used as a means of keeping explanations as simple as possible. Essentially, the simplest explanation for something is typically the most likely. While not considered an irrefutable means of deriving logic or scientific results it does stress the importance of simplifying explanations.

For example, we know that when an object is dropped it will hit the ground. This can be proved by dropping multiple types of objects from different heights. When thinking about what causes this what is more likely: that there is an energy or force that pulls things to the ground or that invisible gnomes leap and pull the objects to the ground where they attach them with invisible string? Obviously the first explanation is more simple and using Occam's razor it would be the most probable explanation.

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