
Meiosis is a cell division type which reduces the chromosomal number by half through creating four daughter cells.

With its two stages of division (Meiosis I and II), sex cells (sperm or egg) are produced.

Meiosis I has five stages:

Stage 1. Interphase - during the Interphase, the DNA is replicated which results to two identical sets of chromosomes. Stage 2. Prophase I - This is follows the Interphase when the nuclear membrane dissolves and the chromosomes are released. Stage 3. Metaphase I - is the meiotic spindle fibers attach to each chromosomal pair. Stage 4. Anaphase I - the chromosomal pairs are pulled apart by the spindles. Stage 5. Telophase I and cytokinesis n- a membrane forms enclosing each chromosomal set at each pole of the cell and the single cell divides into two daughter cells.

The process continues into Meiosis II which is a replication of the previous phases and are aptly called Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, and Telophase II and cytokinesis. As a result, four granddaughter cells are formed.

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