Frontotemporal Dementia

Frontotemporal dementia is a rare kind of a neurological condition characterized by progressive gradual brain damage which tends to start at a younger age (45 to 65 years old). This is an umbrella term that affects the frontal (the “control panel” of personality and communication) and temporal lobes (processes auditory, gustatory, and olfactory data as well as emotions and language). Generally, the affected lobes shrink. The symptoms include memory problems, personality, and behavior changes.

For instance, patients may neglect their hygiene, cannot say words in the correct order, and easily get distracted. Some patients may also present with muscle weakness, difficulties in swallowing, stiff movements, and loss of bladder or bowel control. This condition is due to the abnormal protein clumps which damage brain cells. The specific reason is still unknown but heredity has been identified as a risk factor. Brain scans are helpful in determining which brain parts may be affected.

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