Johari Window

The Johari window is a psychological tool used in enhancing self-awareness, relationships, communication, and personal development. This model has four areas: open, blind, hidden, and unknown. The open area consists of the individual’s descriptions which are known both by himself and others. The blind area features descriptions only known by others but not himself. The hidden area is only known by himself but not others while the unknown area is unrevealed to both himself and others. This diagram was created in 1955 by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. The term “Johari” came from the combined first names of Luft and Ingham.

The following are the usual steps in facilitating the Johari window exercise:

1. A comprehensive list of adjectives, usually 55, regarding personality traits are provided such as brave, calm, intelligent, witty, shy, observant, kind, and friendly.
2. The subject is asked to pick five adjectives than can appropriately describe him.
3. The subject’s peers are then also asked to pick five or six adjectives (from the same list) that can appropriately fill out the subject’s four quadrants.
4. The points of congruence, incongruence, and other pertinent details are then processed by the facilitator.

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